Surajit’s principal research field is urban planning. His research explores the overlaps between urban space, technology and sustainability. Surajit's work has spanned diverse socio-political contexts internationally (India, UAE, the US and Hong Kong amongst others). Through his research in India, Surajit aims to contribute to the development of theory grounded in the experiences of the Global South. He also engages with fields such as architecture, cinema studies, and psychology to enrich his examination of the urban condition. His current projects include studies on the urbanization of Himalayan towns, a set of papers on the Smart Cities, and a two-part study on planning ethics.
Ph.D. in Policy, Planning and Development (University of Southern California); Master of Urban Planning (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign); Bachelor of Planning, (School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi)
Research Interests:
Urban Policy - Housing, Transportation, Land Use, Public Participation, Small Towns; Technology and Cities – Spatial impacts of platform-based industries, ICTs and community planning, Governance and institutional aspects of smart cities, Planning Support Systems; Planning Theory - Informality, Planning ethics, Diversity and inclusion, Public space and public time