Publish Date: 2023-01-27 11:02:33
The School of Public Policy is hosting a seminar on "Thinking Southern Urbanism through Incentive Floor Space Index" by Prof. Sukriti Issar of Sciences Po, Paris, on Friday, the 27th of January 2023. See details about the talk, and the speaker bio below. We look forward to seeing you there!
Speaker: Prof. Sukriti Issar, Associate Professor of Sociology at CRIS, Sciences Po, Paris
Date: Friday, the 27th of January 2023.
Time: 5:00-6:30 pm
Venue: LH 422
Thinking Southern Urbanism through Incentive Floor Space Index
In this talk, I will consider recent debates over theorizing from the South using the example of Floor Space Index in Mumbai. How can theories developed in specific urban contexts travel to other contexts? Do we need a distinctly 'southern' theory for urban research? The talk will draw from research on FSI and its incentive uses in Mumbai. The talk will draw on two recent publications:
Issar, Sukriti (2022). The Financialization of Floor Space, Mumbai 1880-2015. Urban Studies, 59 (15): 3150–3166.
Issar, Sukriti and Ishani Shukla (2022). Policy change and floor space index. Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 57, no. 25: 23-25.
Sukriti Issar is Associate Professor of Sociology at CRIS, Sciences Po, Paris and the Scientific Director (responsable scientifique) of the Governing the Large Metropolis (GLM) master's program at the Urban School, Sciences Po. Her research focuses on urban governance, political economy, policy and institutional change, and urban history. Her work has appeared in Urban Studies, Housing Studies, and World Politics.