Title: Adaptation to climate change: state of knowledge and research gaps
Speaker: Chandni Singh (IIHS)
Date: 21 March, 2024
Time: 12:00-1:30 pm (Thursday)
Venue: LHC 212
Brief on talk:
Climate change adaptation research is growing rapidly: it has more than doubled from 2008-2011 and grew by 150% from 2011-2014 (Webber 2016). The IPCC's 2022 report synthesizes the latest science on climate impacts and adaptation but notes that current adaptation is uneven, inadequate, and sectoral. In India, despite a surge in research and praxis-based knowledge on adaptation, various financial, institutional, and behavioural barriers to implementing adaptation remain. In this talk, I discuss frameworks to assess adaptation feasibility and effectiveness, approaches to preemptively identify maladaptation risk, and current knowledge gaps to further adaptation research.
Chandni Singh is a senior researcher and faculty member in the School of Environment and Sustainability, Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), Bangalore. She works on climate change adaptation and livelihood transitions, in semi-arid rural areas and coastal cities across South Asia and Africa. She leads several international projects on climate migration, urban sustainability and green infrastructure, disaster recovery, and climate resilient development. She is a Lead Author on the IPCC's Assessment Report 6 on Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability and Contributing Author to the IPCC Special Report on 1.5C. She serves on the editorial boards of WIRES Climate Change, Regional Environmental Change, and Urbanisation. Chandni holds a PhD in Rural Livelihoods from the University of Reading, UK and an MSc in Environmental Science from TERI University, New Delhi.